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I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

When was the last time we took the time to praise the Lord because we are fearfully and wonderfully made? How do we even begin to comprehend the "fearful & wonderful" part of our beings?

Since Thomas Lord expands on it to the exact detail I would like to illustrate, I have decided to share his very words for today's coffee:

The wonders and mysteries of the human frame are little thought of, or understood, by the children of men; yet surely we may say, "The finger of God is here." Our body is a congeries of wonders from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot. The different parts are so finely, delicately, and exquisitely made that it seems as if the least thing must disjoint, disorder, or derange them. Our life is an affair of beauty, symmetry, utility, and of mystery.

The configuration and the construction, the composition and the articulation, the perforations, the compressions, the expansions, the attrition, the compensation, the exhaustion, the restoration, the secretion, and the excretions of the body all prove it to be "fearfully made." The mouth, the eye, the ear, the head, the brain, and the lungs, with the heart contracting four thousand times in an hour, and sending out with unerring accuracy at every contraction one ounce of blood, are all proof of the fact.

The varied apparatus for breathing, for nourishing the system, for moving the limbs, for the reception of aliment, and for the ejection el waste, all demonstrate the truth of the text. The varied secretions of the system, and the gastric juice, all of them being different in consistency, in colour, in taste, in smell, and in their uses in the animal economy; some of them thick, others transparent, some bitter and others sweet, all adapted either to cleanse, to lubricate, to defend, to digest, or to nourish, are so many confirmations of the statement that we are "fearfully made."

You are awe struck right?  Yes! That's exactly how we are made! Praise the Lord. 'So what', you may ask; which we will discuss for tomorrow... 

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