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Discussion on Holy Spirit infilling continues...

Yesterday we read Acts 2:1-16 which explains the first infilling of Holy Spirit the disciples had experienced.

From these Scriptures we observe the following:

* All of them were together
* Suddenly it happened
* All of them were filled
* The language spoken was unknown to the individuals who spoke
* They spoke as per the utterance given by the Holy Spirit

These were the following responses:

* Some onlookers were amazed that they spoke in languages unknown to them praising the wonders of God Almighty
* Some onlookers mocked them.

The same Holy Spirit is very much in the works today. Jesus Himself promised this blessing for us. Everyone who asks receives! Praise the Lord!

And when we receive the gift, we will have the very same responses as it happened that day - some will be amazed; some will mock. Let it be. What we need for sure is the gift of the Infilling of the Holy Spirit.

More on it tomorrow... God bless you with a fine day ahead!

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