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 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:21

How are we faring with the few things entrusted to us? You may ask what few things? From who?  

I am talking about anything and everything you are blessed with here on earth. Your spouse. Your children. The family. The job. The house. Food. You name it.

How are we managing them all? Are we serving one another in sincerity? Are we caring for our friends and family with love? Are we grateful for our jobs? Are we content with our house?

What is our attitude like on a given day? Are we mostly cheerful and thanking the Lord for our blessings - the few we have. Or, are we grumbling and mumbling about what we could have had but do not?

Let us develop a grateful heart, being faithful and doing good. In due time God will raise us up if we do. Praise the Lord!

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