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'I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD Jeremiah 30:17

We have the promise of healing this morning. Please be encouraged our Lord will restore your health and heal your wounds. Prophet Isaiah foretold about Christ the Lord that, "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

By His wounds we are healed. Amen! His blood is a healing balm. Let us apply it over us, over our children over our friends and family on a regular basis.

What good is the Christian faith if we only talk about healing but do not actually believe it for our selves? What benefit it is if we proclaim that the blood of Jesus Christ heals our diseases but do not really apply it over us? If we know of a new ointment that could heal the skin condition would we not go buy it and start using it religiously? Then what is preventing us from giving the same seriousness if not more to the healing powers of Christ our Lord?

We are indeed healed! Let us proclaim health over us and our friends and family and diligently apply His protection over us and ours. There is no doubt He will restore us to health and heal our wounds. Let us claim healing this very morning. Let us believe in restored health for the sick among us. Our Lord is mighty to save. Praise be to His Holy Name!

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