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Today's reading: Proverbs 13 Click here to read online (NIV)

Verse of the day: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" 13:12

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Hope is:
to cherish a desire with anticipation (or)
to desire with expectation of obtainment (or)
to expect with confidence

But when hope defers, meaning our expected desire delays to get fulfilled, it does make the heart sick, weak and frail. However when it comes true it appears to be a tree of life or in other words, cause of happiness.

We all have hopes - hopes for betterment - hopes for retirement - hopes for future. But more importantly do we have the hope for the eternal life? The Bible says, If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. (I Cor 15:19)

Let us not forget the ultimate reward - which is our salvation. In Lamentation King Solomon writes, The LORD [is] my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him 3:24

As we know the Lord is our portion, let us hope in Him.

Happy Friday all! We made it through the week! Ooh hoo!

Enjoy the weekend. Yes; Coffee with Jesus will be served on weekends too; so please stop by if you can.

God bless!
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