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 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:51

I know yesterday we meditated on the same lines. And today again we are reminded of similar scriptures - that Jesus is our living bread that came down from heaven. If we eat of Him we will live forever. This bread - His life - is offered to the whole world.

Let us take a few minutes to accept Jesus in our hearts once again this morning. Let us give Him thanks for being the living bread He is - that makes us live forever too. 

Let's offer this quick prayer: Thank you Jesus for giving us yourself so we can live. Amen! 

In case you do not know Jesus as your personal savior but would like to, just believe Jesus came down as a living bread for you too! even if you don' t understand it all at once, accepting Jesus in your heart is the very first thing to do. And He will teach you the rest. 

I invite you to say this simple prayer: Thank you Jesus for giving me yourself so I can live. Amen!

Welcome aboard my brother! You are home!

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