Pin It Now! Remove sorrow from thy heart - Ecclesiastes 11:10

I was feeling a little low this morning. Guess I was home sick; I was also missing my Grandma who passed away nearly 15 years ago!

I must admit I was a little taken aback to read this verse on my daily calendar "Remove sorrow from thy heart" Can Holy Spirit be more direct than this?!

I decided to share it with you today as I have a feeling some of you are not very cheerful this holiday season. You might be missing home or a loved one or simply the days long gone by...

Let us remove sorrow from our hearts this morning and be refreshed in the divine love from above that stays constant through thick and thin!

Happy Thanksgiving one and all! Love you much my precious friends! I honestly have a huge burden for each one of you. I truly believe God is talking to each one of us through this blog post.

Shall we all together say a BIG THANK YOU to our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ for this opportunity to come together?!
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