Pin It Now! Today's reading: Proverbs 27 Click here to read online (NIV)

Verse of the day: "Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds." Proverbs 27:23

We know of the incident in John chapter 21 when Jesus asks Simon if he loved Him. Simon answers: "Yes Lord" - to which Jesus says, "Feed my lambs" and a second time around He says, "Take care of my sheep".

We all love Jesus - don't we? Then Jesus is asking us to feed His lambs and take care of His sheep too. Who are these sheep and lambs Jesus is entrusting us with?

I believe for those of us ordinary folks it is our children! And for those in the Lord's ministry, in addition to their own children, it would also imply the Church they are supposed to shepherd. Our discussion today is the former - caring for our children.

Do we know the condition of our flock? Do we know if they are in the Lord; do we know who they are with; do we know where they are & what they do?

Do we give careful attention to our children? Do we set a role model for them to follow; do we spend enough time with them; are we concerned about their spiritual health as much as we are for their physical needs; do we pray for them; do we love them; do we also make it known?

Let's be sure we know the condition of our flocks & give careful attention to our herds... That's one way to prove we love the Lord!
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