Pin It Now! It has been a month since we started with the Proverbs series and here we are at the end of the month  wrapping up on Proverbs. So many of you stayed with me through this; thank you for that and may God bless you!

Today's reading: Proverbs 31 Click here to read online (NIV)

Verse of the day: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 31:8

If you notice at the beginning of the chapter it says these were the oracle or prophecy of a mother to her son - King Lemuel. There is lot of speculation as to who King Lemuel was. Some say Lemuel was another name for Solomon himself. Well, I can not buy that, because why does the scripture not say Solomon then or tried to explain 'Lemuel - who is also Solomon' or something in those lines? Others say it could be the son of the Arabian Queen of Sheba. Well, I can't buy that also, because why then she was not mentioned as Queen of Sheba?

Let's try to not speculate much. Let's take it just as it says, Lemuel was a king and his mother taught him these words. That makes it plain and simple, and no place for any reasoning or proving or disapproving or any of that - as those are only distractions.

OK, now coming to the verse of the day, I admit it was so hard for me to pick just one verse from so many of my favorite verses in this chapter. However, I decided to go with verse 8: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

In our modern society, many a times we miss the opportunity to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves for fear of rejection or humiliation. Are we bold enough to stand up for our faith or are we just trying to fit in the crowd, going with the flow, fearing what others will think if they come to know of our faith. Just for an example if among friends or coworkers a dialogue about abortion rights comes up, how do we react? Do we simply not say anything or do we nod our heads depending on how the wind blows or do we stand up for the unborn child who can not yet speak for him/herself? How do we react when our friends mock someone of a specific race, ethnicity or background?

Christianity is not for namesake living; it calls for faith and action to go hand in hand. If we are not doing that, we will be hypocrites - I am sorry it comes across a little strong - this is for me too...

Before we part with Proverbs for now, let me reiterate one thing and one thing only - Wisdom or in other words the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ should be our #1 priority in life!

Please stay tuned for April Showers of  Blessings starting tomorrow...
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