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This is what the LORD says: "If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me..." Jeremiah 15:19

This past week we have been blessed with the same message in different forms, such as:

I will restore David's fallen tent
I will restore the fortunes of Jacob's tents
I will restore you to health and heal your wounds
I will restore judges as in days of old
I will restore you twice as much

and today in the same lines, "I will restore you that you may serve me"! You will notice that it is a conditional blessing. True, He will restore us to serve Him, but only on the condition that we repent.

The fact that He will restore us to serve Him implies that we 'used to' serve Him once but not anymore. Something came inbetween God and us downgrading us from the honor of serving Him. We see that all around us - don't we? People are on fire for the Lord one minute, and fall back cold the next. Why even us! Our stronghold on God is stronger only when things seem a little shaky for us; normal days we are normal self - neither cold nor warm - don't you agree?

It is our pride, doubt, fear, unbelief, diffidence, and impenitence that come between us and our Lord.  God's promise is that the minute we realize our wrong doings and repent of it, He will restore us to serve Him. Amen! That is the highest honor one can enjoy here on earth - serving the Lord! So, let's not delay our repenting.
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