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 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Thomas Lord explains that man is fearfully and wonderfully made mentally too; here is an excerpt from his sermon notes:

The language of the text also applies to the soul. Man is not only an animal, but also a spirit. That spirit is in the body, but not of it. So different from it, it yet influences it, and is influenced by it.

 It is lodged in it for "an appointed time," and then to leave it, to be again reunited indissolubly to it, and there to abide for ever. This is the most wonderful part of man; it is mind, spirit, soul; the breath of God "breathed into his nostrils, and man become a living soul." 

The first man, Adam, was made a living soul. Mentally, he is fearfully and wonderfully made. As a spirit he possesses the power to think, to learn, to know; he is capable of intermeddling with all wisdom, of receiving continuous supplies of wisdom and knowledge. 

What a power is this! It allies us to angels, to Deity! Do we value sufficiently our mental endowment? Are we careful to improve our power of reflection? 

Do we act as thinking beings — as creatures who must go wrong unless we exercise our minds in relation to the past, the present, and the future?

Shall we say a thank you to God for making us (our mental beings) fearfully and wonderfully too? 

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