Pin It Now! Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11

Happy weekend everyone! Hope you had a good week and all is well with you and yours. I must say I truly enjoy your company for Coffee with Jesus. Thank you!

Just realized it has been a while since we had our last open discussion - Dear Ephraim and thought may be today being Saturday, we can go for another round.

So, what comes to your mind when you read the verse, "Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling." What do you think it means to "serve with fear" & "rejoice with trembling"?!

Please share your thoughts by clicking on the comment link below. Bring it on! Let's enjoy the goodies.
3 Responses
  1. Kalonda Says:

    Reading further to verse 12 really helped me to get an understanding of this verse.

    Kiss His Son, or He will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him. (Psalm 2:12 NIV)

    The fear in verse 11 can also be read as reverance or deep respect. This idea is maintained in verse 12 when we are told to kiss his Son. The kiss is a sign of respect. It means we recognize the person as an authority figure and we submit to his power.

    Verse 12 goes on to say that if we don't submit to the Son then we are leaning to our own understanding and not only are we headed toward self-destruction but also toward God's righteous judgement.

    Since the Son is the only way to avoid this destruction we reverance and serve Him.

    And we rejoice with trembling because we know the turmoil we have avoided. Verse 12 says blessed are all those who take refuge in Him. Instead of being condemned by sin, we are blessed and protected by the graciousness of the King of kings. Hallelujah! When we look at where He brought us from we can't help but rejoice.

  2. Hephzibah Israel Says:

    Thank you Kalonda! I love your explanation for "rejoice with trembling" That is a new line of thought.

    Let me also share my thoughts. We love the Lord but at the same time out of love comes respect, reverence, awe for the Lord. Fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom - so everything starts with the fear or reverence for the Lord.

    Rejoice with trembling in my words relates to limiting ourself to Godly fun. We need to rejoice, enjoy company, have fun but in the back of our minds reverence for the Lord should be always the priority. Our lifestyle should be in accordance with the fear of the Lord.

  3. NRIGirl Says:

    Hi Kalonda: Just wanted to let you know you are automatically entered for the current give away. Your assigned # is 1

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