Pin It Now! When Israelites were being led out of their bondage, not all were happy all through the journey. They were unhappy, complaining and were going back to Egypt all the time - in their minds! As we read through Exodus we exclaim how they could have been so ungrateful while free, after all that they have been through in Egypt.

Often times we are no better off than them. We complain at the pressures of one job, God gives the next one, and then we start complaining about the commute. We ask for a home and when we are blessed with one, we rant it is not worth the price we paid... We wish to come to America and when we are here we wish to return home... When we are young we wish to grow up and when we are old we wish we were young...

This is the "wilderness syndrome" where we keep looking back at our Egypt(s) that we once left behind; in doing so we forget to appreciate what we have. Instead of praising God for his daily supply of abundant grace and mercy, we start worrying what's in store for tomorrow or how things would have worked out if he could have made different decisions... the list goes on.

Isaiah - Chapter 43, verses 18 & 19 says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

Shall we?
1 Response
  1. Audrey Says:

    Excellent reminder to have a heart of thanksgiving!

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